Independent Life Center
Independent Life Center
Post-traumatic training and voluntary service center
Legal and therapeutic aid center
Rehabilitative equipment lending
Active rehabilitation
Independent Life Center association is preparing in a professional way people with spinal cord injuries, who have to move in a wheelchair, to functioning in society. We use role models and sport training to show in simple and convincing way what one can gain by activities that we offer. Those activities help to manage with many things that seem to be impossible: shopping, car driving, traveling by train on your own, sightseeing trips. Life becomes more simple, happier and most importantly – independent. We search and recruit those people and then we show them goal that they should accomplish through the training. In our courses we offer different types of sport training which helps to start life all over. In addition we give helpful advices how to manage in everyday life.
Rehabilitation by sport
Physical education and sport are elements of complex psychophysical rehabilitation. Systematic physical exercises and sport helps to keep physical function, obtained during rehabilitation, on high levels. Moreover, they prevent compensation processes expiring and complications caused by inactivity and together they comprise a factor which determines rehabilitation effectiveness.
Integrative Minimarathon “Bieg Solny”, organized since 1988, is one of the oldest and most known events of this type in Poland. Runners, which are participating in this marathon, are people from all over the Poland including people moving in wheelchairs, runners with physical and mental disorders and also abled runners.
Artistic activity
Main goal of this activity is to popularize artistic creativity of disabled people. We organize Artistic Presentations “Sztuka Bez Barier” and “Blues Bez Barier” Festival. Those events are open for everybody – for everyone who is interested in art with both big and little “a”, everyone who wants to know the world of imagination and sensibility of other man. The contestants are both disabled and abled people. That makes those events integrative and gives a proof that art brings people closer to each other, it helps to break the barriers and it contributes to shape disabled people image as people with different hobbies, talents, passions and many possibilities of creativity.
The project of participation disabled people in many kinds of unconventional, extreme sports and treks was born from initiative and involvement of Independent Life Center instructors. They have proved that despite their disability, doing extreme sports is possible and everyone can reach the world or places that are hard to reach, no matter whether you are abled or not.
We organize
– Rehabilitation camps
– Independent Life Workshops for people with disabled motor organs
– Voluntary and Post-traumatic Care Workshops
– Sport and recreational activities
– Independent Life Games
– Driving lessons
– Sport instructors and volunteers schooling
– Internships for students
We provide
– Rehabilitative treatments
– Career and rehabilitation consulting
– Special choosing of rehabilitative equipment
– Transport of persons with disabilities
– Rehabilitative equipment lending
We run
– Volunteer Club
– Concert Agency